Tuesday, November 10, 2009

5:1 Child is Doused in Alcohol then Lit on Fire

Young Mister Michael Brewer was surrounded by five of his peers; they then taunted him and finally proceeded with their torture. They poured alcohol on the young boy and then lit him on fire. Brewer did end up surviving the torture but is in the ICU and his life is on the line. His bandages have to be changed daily and the length process takes 4 hours total. Not only is his body in terrible shape, the doctors have him on so much medication for the pain, he's unconscious.
It was shocking to hear that a little boy was lit on fire; what kind of role models did the purpentrators grow up with? Who was there to watch them grow into sick humans beings who set people on fire and just watch?
Something needs to be done about the new generations.

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