Monday, November 9, 2009

Criticism Against a Powerful Woman Manages to Offend the Entire Female Gender

Brooksley Born was the one person to say that America was heading into an economic disaster; her colleagues completely shut her and her opinions down. They wanted to keep her quite and that is exactly what they did. But the real problem was even after the economy started failing the people responsible for the failure still didn't fully acknowledge Born. They still criticized her; but this time she was criticized for petty things such as her sex and her attitude. She was called cold and hard to work with by many people, but the real insult was when she was criticized for her gender. To think how far the United States has come in the prejudice against women, it's hard to hear insults passed against a brilliant woman trying to help the country. Even though Born graduated top of her class from Stanford Law School, her sex is still a topic that comes up.
Others find a whiff of sexism in the pushback.“The messenger wore a skirt,” says Marna Tucker, a Washington lawyer and a longtime friend of Born. “Could Alan Greenspan take that?”
It's hard to believe that gown men would drop to such low blows as to insult a women when they were so clearly wrong and she was so clearly right.

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