Monday, December 7, 2009

A New View on Freud's Theory

New Chemicals and Plastics Bring Forth Cancer in Young Women

Over the past two centuries the menstruation cycle of women has come earlier and earlier in the female life. In the 1800's the normal age to get one's period was 17, the 1900's was around 14 and now the normal age is around 12. Accompanied with these cycles are also early onset cases of breast cancer. The only great thing that has changed in the lives of these women in these past two centuries are the amounts of chemicals in the air, cars, and even in our kitchens. Also over the past 30 years the amount of breast cancer cases has also increased from about 1 percent to 12 percent.
At the rate of exposure to our younger generations, they will be hitting menstruation earlier and earlier and developing cases of breast cancer at the young age of 10. Girls today are forced to grow up quickly not only by our societies and networks but also apparently by nature itself. Granted that nature was altered by man, females still are having to deal with stressful events in their lives such as wild hormones, embarrassing moments, loss of innocence and more.
Mr. Kristof believes that these early aging effects are caused by the plastics we use in the kitchen. Could it be that tupperware is on its way to eliminating the female gender? Well it's certainly doing something. Consider every time that you microwave something, or heat any sort of plastic that you could be harming the women in your family, or even yourself.

President Obama and the 30,000 Mistakes

It is seems as thought President Obama may have been slightly mislead by his generals when he agreed to send 30,000 more troops into Afghanistan. When President Obama was inaugurated he promised this country the he would pull the American troops out of Afghanistan. Instead he sent over more troops. Although he did create a loophole when he didn't specify a certain date when the troops would be pulled out.
When he announced his decision to send more troops he did give a date when the men and women would return home: July 2011. Although once more he did create a loophole, or more like his White House Press Secretary Gibbs did.
Gibbs also said the July 2011 date for beginning a withdrawal is firm, though the pace of bringing troops home would depend on conditions in the region.

Once again it seems as another promise has been made, but again with a very vague and changeable outcome. I still believe President Obama has time to create a better reputation and he most definitely has time to redeem himself.

China Vows to Become a Low Carbon Country

China has vowed to keep their carbon levels down. How are they going to accomplish this feat when they are the one of the largest greenhouse gas emitters? The chinese people are taking their dried food waste products such as corn husks and peanut shells to use as a replacement for coal. This is like a similar procedure in the U.S. where we exchange aluminum for a few cents. The chinese who bring their food waste receive a small return on it.
After all the waste is collected it is then ground and re-purposed creating a substitute for coal.

I think that if China wants to make a step towards a more green country then the future might not be in same peril as it was before. However, I would also like to know what effects the dried food waste lumps have on the atmosphere. If they turn out to emit less carbon than coal, and still as a fuel then by all means, the U.S. could adapt to the food waste recycling. But I also wonder if the alternative fuel China has come up with really makes a difference. It is certainly something to keep track of either way.

America's Debt and the Affect on Black Friday

As we all know, the United States financial status hasn't been this dangerous since the depression due to several events. First of all the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq paired with the lower taxes really set us into the mode. Then the giant Google stock market crash and the trade agreements that we signed caused massive job losses and stagnant wages. Although fighting major revenue loss the cost operations continued to sore due to energy cost. The real estate market was booming on unstable loans counting on significant wage increases. When wage increases didn't not reach the expectations the real estate market collapsed therefore leaving the United States at a crucial pass. We then bailed out the financial institutions, putting further financial strain on the economy and government. When Bush took over the presidential office, the Clintons had the country in the black; by the end of Bush's term we were so far in the red it was incredible that just one man could destroy such a stable, prosperous country.

The friday after Thanksgiving is known as Black Friday; its a day when passionate consumers wake up at ungodly hours and wait in line for those great sales on items such as a Williams-Sonoma salad spinner they don't even need but can get at the lowest price of the season. Even though our economy is in terrible condition with a multi-trillion, growing, dollar debt the expectations were that the country would still find a way to spend 2.5 percent more on Black Friday than last year($41.2 billion). On an average in 2008 people spent in the mid to high three hundreds per person. This year could have been classified at disappointing because our country spent about the same amount as we did last year. I think that its surprising that we even spent that much due to the economic status.