Monday, December 7, 2009

China Vows to Become a Low Carbon Country

China has vowed to keep their carbon levels down. How are they going to accomplish this feat when they are the one of the largest greenhouse gas emitters? The chinese people are taking their dried food waste products such as corn husks and peanut shells to use as a replacement for coal. This is like a similar procedure in the U.S. where we exchange aluminum for a few cents. The chinese who bring their food waste receive a small return on it.
After all the waste is collected it is then ground and re-purposed creating a substitute for coal.

I think that if China wants to make a step towards a more green country then the future might not be in same peril as it was before. However, I would also like to know what effects the dried food waste lumps have on the atmosphere. If they turn out to emit less carbon than coal, and still as a fuel then by all means, the U.S. could adapt to the food waste recycling. But I also wonder if the alternative fuel China has come up with really makes a difference. It is certainly something to keep track of either way.

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