Monday, December 7, 2009

President Obama and the 30,000 Mistakes

It is seems as thought President Obama may have been slightly mislead by his generals when he agreed to send 30,000 more troops into Afghanistan. When President Obama was inaugurated he promised this country the he would pull the American troops out of Afghanistan. Instead he sent over more troops. Although he did create a loophole when he didn't specify a certain date when the troops would be pulled out.
When he announced his decision to send more troops he did give a date when the men and women would return home: July 2011. Although once more he did create a loophole, or more like his White House Press Secretary Gibbs did.
Gibbs also said the July 2011 date for beginning a withdrawal is firm, though the pace of bringing troops home would depend on conditions in the region.

Once again it seems as another promise has been made, but again with a very vague and changeable outcome. I still believe President Obama has time to create a better reputation and he most definitely has time to redeem himself.

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