Friday, May 7, 2010

"Debunking Dems"

As to all things, there are more sides than the one we tend to side with. Of course as goes with our political opinions. There are pros and cons to each party, but as a democrat it hard to decipher which is my own personal critiques and was is truly flawed. From the few sites I have visited, some have impressed me and some have just added to the disrespectful and hate-filled stereotype that right wing republicans have.

Tendencies of a republican: Conservative, Oppose Same-sex marriage, support death penalty, pro-life, taxes should not be increased, increased spending on military issues, and wages should reflect free market.

Pros for me: Out of all these tendencies I probably only relate minimally to the conservative part.
Cons for me: I disagree fairly strongly on all the points.
It's not that I am a democrat that can only see that one way, it's more like the morals I've grown up with that direct me towards the less selfish path. When I say selfish I do mean the republicans, but in my mind selfish is not always a bad thing. It's the way we as humans survive in this world; we look out for ourselves and therefore thrive. However, the strong presence of selfishness might allude to the idea that those on the far right wing are less evolved as the blues. Saying the republicans are less evolved than the democrats is also not a complete insult. The republicans have the capability to evolve just as we do, but they have found the system that works for them and cognitively choose not to risk the chance of trying a new system and having it severely flawed.

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