Sunday, May 9, 2010

State Budget Cuts

Although the states have already suffered greatly from the recent budget cuts, we are going to be suffering even more. Apparently this is the year that hits bottom, as our economy is also grim right now. California, with it's phenomenal governor of Schwarzennegger, has had to suffer greatly. The republicans are all for taking money from the schools and keeping it to themselves. It's most likely not challenging to figure out where I stand on this matter. Although part of me is reserved and wants the money in my family's pocket to stay in our pocket, I know how important education is. I go to one of the best high schools in the state of California and have learned more in these last three years than ever before in my life. My school is a public school and we are funded by the government. Although most republicans have no need for public schools considering they have the money to send their children to private schools, the lower income families need the same chance at education. By putting less and less funding into our schools just makes the future of America look grim. If only a select few are educated, there will be a heavy bias, and knowledge waiting to be unearthed will remain hidden.

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