Monday, October 19, 2009

America Gets Antsy When She Has No One To Blow Up: So She Blows Up the Moon

America is now turning her violent attitude towards the moon. Actually we are now bombing the moon to make sure there is water available. Earlier NASA discovered that there was evidence of water on the outer shell of the moon. They are now bombing it to verify the presence of water for the low price of $7 million. We want to know if there is water on the moon because the option of sending people back to the moon to live. If there is water present, there is the possibility of human life on the moon. Another reason for bombing the moon is to find out if we can split the water into rocket fuel, air water; we can save ourselves a lot of money. While these are good reasons, people might find it irresponsible to bomb the moon. Once we get started bombing off our planet, no one knows how far it could go. If the world were in more desperate times, people might be more open to this idea.

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