Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Anti Abortionists get Deadly: Irony at Its Best

In an abortion clinic in Nebraska doctors have to hide from the crowds, they have to be completely aware of their surrounding; the abortion doctors in Nebraska are in danger because of their job. The front of the clinic is damaged, the whole outside is filthy and is falling apart; however, when you walk in the entire clinic is neat and sanitary. While entering, apparently, the protesters will note what you look like and what your license plate number. They then relay that information, through walkie talkies no less, to their other non supporters. Carhart is one of the only doctors in the clinic, his mentor, Tiller, was shot in the head by one of the abortion protesters. This is appalling, especially as a female, teen, Californian to see that in another state is is vital to your health that you do not get an abortion. This seems so ironic to me, the protesters are claiming to save lives; but in their attempt to protest they kill someone. Hopefully one day underage teens, unfit mothers, or willing patients will be able to walk into a proud standing abortion clinic in Nebraska and be able to get the treatment they desire.

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