Monday, October 5, 2009

Haven't We Overstayed Our Intrusion?

Unfortunately, the United States's Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, has informed the country that that we will not be pulling out of Afghanistan. Even if President Obama decides to pull the US out of Afghanistan; we will be remaining there. Robert Gates says:

Because of our inability and the inability, frankly, of our allies to put enough troops in Afghanistan, the Taliban do have the momentum right now. eventual Taliban victory would provide "added space" for al Qaeda to set up in the country and enhance recruiting and fundraising, bolstered by the perspective of a second victory over a superpower by Muslim forces after having driven out the Soviet Union in the 1980s,

Although this may be true, we had overstayed whatever welcome we had. It's time to bring our troops home and let Afghanistan help itself. The US intervenes too much, we need to learn our limitations.

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