Thursday, January 7, 2010

The 2010 Deficit is Still Astronomical, Estimating 1.5 Trillion Debt

So for the new year, instead of new jobs and a better outlook on life, the rate of unemployment is still expected to rise from 9.5% to 10% (Bernanke) even though it's said the U.S. is coming out of the longest recession in 50 years (Geithner). Unfortunately for those unemployed Americans, it just means more long months with little to no income.
So the big question is: How do we get out of this hole? And by that 'we' I mean the United States as a whole; not just the middle class. Because as of now, the main victims of this recession are the middle class. The low income population is voided from most taxes, as is living on a low income in America is near impossible. The wealthy population donates little of their income to the matter; even though they make the most money, they use it to buy middle-life crisis cars instead of putting their 'hard-earned' money to a real benefit for the country. Well all I can say to these wealthy folks, good luck in the future when the American Empire has fallen and we all have to move to a foreign country where we are scoffed at for being such 'materialistic, unpatriotic Americans'. Because that's really what it is, not giving aid to your country when it most needs your help, and you have the cash to flash, is unpatriotic.
But what if the American country came up with a new part to the system. What if we installed a flat tax to those who are financially stable. Perhaps, a 7% income tax for all the middle to upper classes. I mean, 7% of a seventy-thousand dollar income is smaller than 7% of a one-million dollar income; the numbers might not be the same, but the proportion is. And if I remember correctly in the Declaration of Independence it states, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal". Well if the middle and upper class each take a 7% hit, that sounds equal to me.
Relating the idea of a flat tax to the current United States problem is simple. If we simply installed the low tax rate to anyone with a stable income, America could rise out of this recession like smoke rises in the sky.
In any case, if I haven't given you enough facts to make you think then let's relate it more close to home. In my house close to 50% of the income never makes it to the house because of the taxes. Now if both upper classes were charged a 50% rate there wouldn't be a problem, but it's not so. The middle class pays more when they have less, and the upper class pays less when they have more.

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