Thursday, January 28, 2010

Counciman Bob Kellar- "The Proud Racist"

Bob Kellar, a former two-time mayor of Santa Clarita, states at an anti-immigration rally that, "the US has room for only one flag and one language".
To start off, what kind of arrogant patriot of America now led by an African American, makes that kind of snide comment. I know it might have been in the heat of the moment, but there is just no excuse for that kind of hatred. In fact, if he wants this country to be all American, there would be no one left. Everyone came to America at some point in time. As for the part about one language; that was just unintelligent to say. In this educated world, knowing and speaking more than one language is qualified as an aid to this world. It is this kind of comment that gives America a bad name; this just fortifies the stereotypical country that wants nothing to do with the outside world. How can a person so cavalierly say such a thing when so many of us, so many of us in high powered positions, matter in this country.
Today I was thinking about America's past reputation involving slavery and the hatred that accompanied it, and how far we had come to even express our equality to elect an African American president. It's thoughts like these that make many patriots proud; America can play nice. It's one of those thoughts that makes the US seem a little more respectable; and it is those thoughts of hatred and prejudice that drag us back to our ugly, tainted views.

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