Monday, February 15, 2010

Homosexuality in Uganda

A new law in Uganda has banned homosexuality from its borders. In fact if one is found to have had same-sex relations they are not only thrown in jail, but sentenced to death. How can people in this nation be supportive of a minority governed by different laws? On the other hand, maybe people in this state wouldn't even care given that they voted down marriage equality. It's hard to imagine how America could possibly help in this situation; an even scarier thought is that the new laws in Uganda might be a prophesy of what's to come in America. It's already bad enough that people find relationships that have nothing to do with them important, what happens if some go as far to make laws against being gay and then even to the death penalty. It's an interesting thought to imagine the death row in a high security prison lined up with murderers, rapists, serial killers and then your overflow of gay people. Those homosexuals, dangerous in all their capacity they are. What is Uganda thinking, it has larger issues then homosexuality to deal with, such as famine, disease and probably a failing economy. As I elaborate more on Uganda, it is beginning to sound more and more like California.

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