Friday, February 26, 2010

It Seems More Daunting Now that the Facts Seem More Solid

As of the late, I have been blogging about the rough economy and its consequences of a tough housing market, rising food prices and of course the effect on the populace of the nation. At first in my last community service post, it seemed like the housing market would dip a little more over the next year but rise again in the following years to come. Now the new predictions are predisposing the nation to continue falling through 2011. Though California is not doing well to say in the least, Florida is having an even rougher time.

The worst performing market will be Miami, Fla. Moody's projects prices there to drop a heart-stopping 29.2% by Sept. 30. That follows a 47.7% decline the metro area recorded in the past three years. Grand total: 64% drop.

This is a terrible devastation for the nation to hear, not only will we not be rising out of this economic disaster relatively quickly but the nation as a whole is predicted to fall even more after the three year span where the home rates fell over 27%. It seems like this ordeal is endless and impossible to overcome. There are people out on the streets now, but will a time come where more people are homeless than there are living in homes?

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