Monday, February 15, 2010

Bay Area- More Affected than You Might Think

All those pictures of hungry, third-world country children and food drives we have contributed to are no longer just pictures and cans sent to other countries. Many people in California, the Bay Area are losing their jobs and becoming homeless every minute. The economy is not only affecting those third-world countries in need because right now, we are becoming a county in desperate need of help.
When I was younger and would bring in cans and top ramen packages to donate to the needy I never suspected that one day the needy would be down the street. The failing economy has affected many people I know and love; the father of a friend, a fellow church goer, even a family member. Right now all they have lost are their jobs, but in a few months will food become a problem too?
It is especially hard to drive though Walnut Creek, an affluent area rich in many ways, and see homeless people, on my left, begging for money; and on my right a stream of Lexus's, Cadillac's and other gas-guzzling luxury cars rumbling past me. Its a hard picture to witness, that my friends and family are struggling while some people are still toting the latest in-style.

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