Thursday, February 18, 2010

Some are Forced to Lose Hope

Once one's house is bank owned, life is looking tough and nearing uncontrollable. We count on our country to provide us with a little help when we seem to be trapped. The people of America are counting on the government to take care of them when times get tough (how much tougher will they get?). Once the home is lost after the income stops, people are forced out onto the streets. Once on the streets many start to beg near freeways, sleep under overhangs in the dead of winter and many take refuge in shelters. Those shelters seem to be the silver lining in the grim situation. But after 1.6 million are homeless, the shelters are running out of room. In fact, they are now having to turn away people. What do you do when the proposed safe place will not take you in? Nothing makes me feel like this situation is tainted by prejudice except when Latinos are singled out in an article about turning away the homeless.

An idea that could possibly help this dark situation might be to use some of the empty homes, (not all of course, some might sell), and make more shelters. A problem that people my rebut this proposition with might be the funding. But it seems possible to scrounge up money to help the people of America have a roof over their heads and food in their stomachs if we can continue to pay people such as professional athletes, actors, CEOs, and bank workers who mysteriously seem to get extravagant bonuses.

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