Thursday, February 18, 2010

Worst of Unemployment Yet to Come- Geithner Says

Apparently, after all these job losses (over 8 million) and Geithner says that the unemployment rate will still rise and more will suffer. An action currently being adjusted to help the unemployed is an extension in unemployment benefits. However, some still hold out on these unemployment benefits and some are toeing the line, "[unemployment benefits] is something that the administration and Congress are going to look at very carefully at as we get closer to the end of this year". (Geithner) At least the public can take a little comfort in knowing that the government is pondering this problem. While Geithner says that the highest unemployment rates are yet to come, at least, "collapse, I think, is now off the table". I personally take no comfort in what he saying, at least not until I get hard proof that our empire is not falling. I also have a personal interest with the unemployment issue, and although the benefits are being reviewed, I have yet to see the benefit part of the "benefit". It's understood that the government pays for people to live for a year (possibly two in the upcoming years) with a small sum of money to allow the unemployed citizen to job hunt. I have no problem with this, the problem I see is the hiring rates are lower than ever, and all a person has is one year to find a job in this dried up economy.
However, not to worry, some of us, at least the movie stars, are still living like queens. Recently Eva Longoria Parker recently just bought a dress for just over 3,000 dollars. At least while the rest of us are suffering these hard times, we can look at Eva in her paid-for beauty and have something to hope for.

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