Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Destroying our Planet Piece by Piece

The myth about the trash pile the size of Texas floating in the middle of the ocean is no longer just a myth. It is fact. And this is a fact that should become common knowledge; knowledge which should be understood and acted on. When I first imagined this trash pile, I literally thought a clump of trash was somehow bound together and just made up it's own little county, or something of those sorts. In reality, the "Trash Island" is actually less of a land mass and more of a soup. Instead of the clear, light water we are all used to, the water in the area of the "Trash Island" is actually denser, murkier, and contains bits of plastic in every gallon. From an airplane view, the water must just look a little darker, but when right up close, perhaps on a boat, the water is a whole different texture. Some might even describe it as stickier. What a thought that is; we are so lucky to live so close to fresh ocean water, imagine what it might be like to live one day near an untouchable, ocean. Not only are we sacrificing our planet's land, we are now also sacrificing our oceans. Our beautiful, natural oceans are becoming unclean and that thought terrifies me. Where will we go once we have piled up our trash on every square inch of the planet?

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