Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Shock from Haiti Keeps Devastating

As of right now, the terror and destruction in Haiti seems to keep creating more and more distress. Now it is becoming clear to family members that the chances of finding their loved ones is becoming smaller. It's now been 15 days since the natural disaster and the likelihood of people surviving under the remains of buildings without food or water is slim to none. I know that our country has been helping send food, water, resources and more over to Haiti to assist them in all of their problems; but to me, it seems like we are not doing enough. I know that at our schools we fundraise and send money, online there are adds to send money, more and more schemes to send money are popping up. And as helpful as money is, it's going to take a lot more to help this country overcome this disaster. I feel as if addition to sending money we should help in different ways, and by this I mean send more people. America may not be thriving right now, but where we are is a lot better then where the people in Haiti are. I don't know how we can send more support, possibly use paid vacation time to assist over there, or get paid leave to keep helping. I know that our country is in a great deficit but I can't help but think that, somehow if we manage to help a struggling country restore itself, then possibly we too, as a country, might come through.
But on the brighter side of things, the people of Haiti have not given up hope. They continue to search for people in the rubble. One man, Hector Mendez persists with hope as his power, and possibly this power of hope, love and strength will be able to emotionally heal this country. In fact, he travels from natural disaster to natural disaster instilling hope and help. We need more people with this attitude; the attitude that we will not give up and we will make things right. Something tells me America, as powerful as it is, has a lot more to give than its currently giving.

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