Monday, September 7, 2009

Bush vs. Gore (What we could have had)

In Thomas Friedman's, Hot, Flat and Crowded, he mentions a quote of Al Gore. "The planet Earth has a "fever"." It sparked my interest that Al Gore is still quoted to this day about his concerns for the world. He shows his interest in the future of our planet and of our species. I wonder how our world would have been shaped differently if in the 2000 elections, Al Gore was elected instead of George W. Bush. Would we have made less mistakes, would we have made more? Would our world be in a better place, physically and figuratively? Would America have more alliances? These are all questions we will never know because America made the crippling decision of electing George W. Bush. I'm not saying that Gore would have been the best President, or even a better President; but he would have taken us in a different direction and today we would be in a better place.

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