Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mixed Embyos; Mixed Emotions

This couple decided to have their another child by way of an implanted embryo. Somehow the mother ended up pregnant; but with the wrong embryo. When the couple heard the news of the mix up, they were naturally devastated. They were disappointed that they would be having a child of a different genetic heritage then them. However, this couple already had three children of their own blood. I feel like since they already had three children, they were overreacting when they would not be having a biological child. They are pro-life, so the option of aborting the embryo was out of the question; if they feel so pro-life, then they should just feel the joy of growing another life. The idea of a human growing inside of a person is already amazing, and when you already have other children, you should realize what a gift it is. Is this couple going to love this child any less? Will they treat it any differently than their other children? Probably not, but if the idea of having different blood in their child is so devastating that they are upset, then I feel like this couple doesn't realize what parenthood is about. I feel that loving a child is not affected by the blood running through their veins, but affected instead by their environment.

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