Monday, September 7, 2009

Horrified or Relieved

It's really unbelievable that after 18 years, Jaycee Lee Dugard, was alive. She walked into a police station at the age of 29 and identified herself. It's really surprising that for the entire time she was hidden in a local home in Antioch. I am horrified to think that the police gave a mediocre search for her and couldn't seem to find the girl hidden in a backyard. Also horrifying information, she was raped, most likely countless times, and bore two children. The ages of her children? 11 and 15. She had her first child at the age of 14. Barely entering puberty. Also astonishing, the wife of her rapist was completely informed of the situation, and did nothing about it. It surprises me that she was "ok" with her husband raping a young girl (clue enough to get help). It's terrifying knowing this story and being a young female. It makes me believe that there really is very little safety in this world.

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