Thursday, September 24, 2009

Local Dad, Local Sex Offender. Finally Caught.

I hadn't heard much about this particular case of sexual abuse before a member of my family came home and started talking about it. The member of my family had worked with this sleazy father and was horrified when he heard the news of the abuse. I finally looked it up online to discover that this local, church-going, father of six, had been sexually abusing his daughters. On one source it gave the detail of the abuse starting at the mere age of 3. Horrifying. Disgusting. What's worse? His wife was in collaboration and even watched the sexual acts. This brings up Jaycee Dugard case. It just exemplifies that sexual abuse is no longer an act of man, but also woman. It makes me wonder how my future children's life will be. How can I tell if my husband will be a sexual predator. Another thought, this sexual predators are no longer just blank faces in the newspaper, the sexual predators just became real to me. This thought is frightening.

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