Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Health Care and It's Personal Effects

This past weekend an old mentor, and friend of mine passed away due to an unknown cause (as of now). She was struggling to find a job for the past two years; without a job she did not have any health insurance. At one point she became ill and went to the county hospital to look for help. Unfortunately, county was unable to help her, eventually she started to internally bleeding and county was forced by the hand of the law to operate on her. Six days after she came home from the hospital she passed away in her home.
The ordeal that I am tortured by is that went she went for help, she did not receive the care her body obviously needed. This was a day before the health care vote was taken and I immediately understood why the left wing people are so adamant about passing this bill. Now that the bill has passed, I can take a small token of relief because I cannot stand to let this healthy, strong woman just perish.
With the new health care bill, I hope that people will be able to walk into a hospital and receive the care they need when they feel need it.

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