Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Homelessness Soaring this Year

Nationwide, families are suffering. In New York the number of homeless people on the streets has risen to 34%. An all time high for this state. Many people have no resorted to staying in subway stations, train stations, under the overpasses, on the streets; it seems like everywhere we walk there is a homeless person. Men, women, children; all of these people are affected. I don't think the public understands that it's not only the people we see asking for money by the freeways; so many more people are suffering, so many people in worse off conditions.
So many people are homeless now, the hospitals are filling up, the police stations are full, the shelters are full too
It just says that we have to keep up our efforts and intensify them,” Mr. Marx said. “The more people we have on the streets, the more they are making demands of our emergency shelter system, emergency rooms, detox centers and jails.”

With all these efforts being put forth, it seems like conditions should be lightening a little. Instead it just seems like conditions are growing worse and more and more people are homeless. Every time I get on the freeway in Walnut Creek, there is a person begging for money, its hard to drive by in my 2008 car with my designer sunglasses and music blaring, and not feel like I have so much and he/she has so little. I don't know what to do in cases like this, I give money sometimes, but I can't give money every time I stumble upon a homeless person. If I did I would be out there next to them pretty quickly.

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