Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Mother's Take On Medicinal Marijuana

Out of Denver, Colorado a mother and a son run a medicinal marijuana business together. Prior to the business the son was first a serious marijuana smoker and then a dealer. His mother does not deny that she knew about her son's illegal dealings. In fact she states, "we tell each other everything, we are very close". It is pleasing to hear that a mother, a guardian is well aware of her son's illegal activities and at most giving him a stern look.
There are some new parenting techniques that are a little unconventional, but the allowance of the use of drugs seems like its pushing the line a bit. In fact it was stated that "he feels good about coming out of the closet, the illegal drug closet. I feel like we've set a good model".
Well, under no circumstances I do not think selling drugs illegally and then selling drugs legally, while all the time high, is setting a good example.
Interesting bit.

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