Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tea Party Activists Give Bad Name to Right Wing, But there are those Democrats who are also an Embarrassment

Now that the health care bill has passed, the Tea Party Activists are going crazy. We already know that in front of the health care bill signing, an activist was outside with a confederate flag. On this radio blog, the host definitely has some points where he makes sense about the absurdity of the activists, but on some levels, assuming he's a left wing, he is just embarrassing his party. He is saying that the tea party activists are going to kill everyone and their families. We all know that is a lie, there might be some violent acts, but I don't think it's correct to spread the slander about murder attempts. He also makes a connection between John McCain and the activists, saying they are in cohoots, saying that they are racists. How is any of this better than what Glen Beck on Fox News lies about. I am calling this radio host out, he is allowed to bash the right wing, but he should at least have accurate facts.
At one point he even states that we need to get rid of "these republicans..because they are, they are nothing but destruction". Maybe this man does not realize this, but if were to eliminate the right wing, which is impossible, the morals and values of the democrats would just morph and split into right wing and left wing all over again.

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