Monday, December 7, 2009

A New View on Freud's Theory

New Chemicals and Plastics Bring Forth Cancer in Young Women

Over the past two centuries the menstruation cycle of women has come earlier and earlier in the female life. In the 1800's the normal age to get one's period was 17, the 1900's was around 14 and now the normal age is around 12. Accompanied with these cycles are also early onset cases of breast cancer. The only great thing that has changed in the lives of these women in these past two centuries are the amounts of chemicals in the air, cars, and even in our kitchens. Also over the past 30 years the amount of breast cancer cases has also increased from about 1 percent to 12 percent.
At the rate of exposure to our younger generations, they will be hitting menstruation earlier and earlier and developing cases of breast cancer at the young age of 10. Girls today are forced to grow up quickly not only by our societies and networks but also apparently by nature itself. Granted that nature was altered by man, females still are having to deal with stressful events in their lives such as wild hormones, embarrassing moments, loss of innocence and more.
Mr. Kristof believes that these early aging effects are caused by the plastics we use in the kitchen. Could it be that tupperware is on its way to eliminating the female gender? Well it's certainly doing something. Consider every time that you microwave something, or heat any sort of plastic that you could be harming the women in your family, or even yourself.

President Obama and the 30,000 Mistakes

It is seems as thought President Obama may have been slightly mislead by his generals when he agreed to send 30,000 more troops into Afghanistan. When President Obama was inaugurated he promised this country the he would pull the American troops out of Afghanistan. Instead he sent over more troops. Although he did create a loophole when he didn't specify a certain date when the troops would be pulled out.
When he announced his decision to send more troops he did give a date when the men and women would return home: July 2011. Although once more he did create a loophole, or more like his White House Press Secretary Gibbs did.
Gibbs also said the July 2011 date for beginning a withdrawal is firm, though the pace of bringing troops home would depend on conditions in the region.

Once again it seems as another promise has been made, but again with a very vague and changeable outcome. I still believe President Obama has time to create a better reputation and he most definitely has time to redeem himself.

China Vows to Become a Low Carbon Country

China has vowed to keep their carbon levels down. How are they going to accomplish this feat when they are the one of the largest greenhouse gas emitters? The chinese people are taking their dried food waste products such as corn husks and peanut shells to use as a replacement for coal. This is like a similar procedure in the U.S. where we exchange aluminum for a few cents. The chinese who bring their food waste receive a small return on it.
After all the waste is collected it is then ground and re-purposed creating a substitute for coal.

I think that if China wants to make a step towards a more green country then the future might not be in same peril as it was before. However, I would also like to know what effects the dried food waste lumps have on the atmosphere. If they turn out to emit less carbon than coal, and still as a fuel then by all means, the U.S. could adapt to the food waste recycling. But I also wonder if the alternative fuel China has come up with really makes a difference. It is certainly something to keep track of either way.

America's Debt and the Affect on Black Friday

As we all know, the United States financial status hasn't been this dangerous since the depression due to several events. First of all the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq paired with the lower taxes really set us into the mode. Then the giant Google stock market crash and the trade agreements that we signed caused massive job losses and stagnant wages. Although fighting major revenue loss the cost operations continued to sore due to energy cost. The real estate market was booming on unstable loans counting on significant wage increases. When wage increases didn't not reach the expectations the real estate market collapsed therefore leaving the United States at a crucial pass. We then bailed out the financial institutions, putting further financial strain on the economy and government. When Bush took over the presidential office, the Clintons had the country in the black; by the end of Bush's term we were so far in the red it was incredible that just one man could destroy such a stable, prosperous country.

The friday after Thanksgiving is known as Black Friday; its a day when passionate consumers wake up at ungodly hours and wait in line for those great sales on items such as a Williams-Sonoma salad spinner they don't even need but can get at the lowest price of the season. Even though our economy is in terrible condition with a multi-trillion, growing, dollar debt the expectations were that the country would still find a way to spend 2.5 percent more on Black Friday than last year($41.2 billion). On an average in 2008 people spent in the mid to high three hundreds per person. This year could have been classified at disappointing because our country spent about the same amount as we did last year. I think that its surprising that we even spent that much due to the economic status.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I'm a Fan of These Illusions

5:1 Child is Doused in Alcohol then Lit on Fire

Young Mister Michael Brewer was surrounded by five of his peers; they then taunted him and finally proceeded with their torture. They poured alcohol on the young boy and then lit him on fire. Brewer did end up surviving the torture but is in the ICU and his life is on the line. His bandages have to be changed daily and the length process takes 4 hours total. Not only is his body in terrible shape, the doctors have him on so much medication for the pain, he's unconscious.
It was shocking to hear that a little boy was lit on fire; what kind of role models did the purpentrators grow up with? Who was there to watch them grow into sick humans beings who set people on fire and just watch?
Something needs to be done about the new generations.

DC Sniper Executed

Although John Allen Muhammad drove around randomly shooting people out of a small hole in his car, is it right that he should pay the highest price. Many people think that putting such a sick person like this to death is the perfect punishment; and it very well may be. But there are other options. Did we kill this man because he was too dangerous to live or did we kill him in vengeance for all the lives he took. If he were to spend the rest of his life in a high security prison, wouldn't he be safe and paying a heavy price? Death seems like such an easy way out for a human who kills people most likely for sport.
It just seems like the United States looks as death as the ultimate punishment, but what if we gave this sick criminal exactly what he wanted. Obviously he had severe mental problems, even if we could have hospitalized him; maybe we could have found out what went wrong inside.

Monday, November 9, 2009

When Do We Know What to Believe?

A texas man was charged and executed with the murder of his children by arson. When he was questioned about the deaths of his children he came up with multiple stories all differing from one another. This could easily be due to shock. Then the police started coming up with more and more evidence against him such as: gas stains on the wall, and no electrical damage (as he claimed). Things started looking worse and worse for him but he still held his innocent claim. He claimed he didn't murder his children right up until they injected him with toxins.
The real controversy here is his innocence. Even though there was no hard evidence proving that he committed the murders, he was still charged with murder. The lawyers begged him to plea guilty with a life-sentence, but he stuck to his innocence and paid the highest price. Did he give up his life to prove his innocence or was it simply a con to force people to stop thinking of him as a murderer. Did we execute a human being without knowing for sure what happened?

Criticism Against a Powerful Woman Manages to Offend the Entire Female Gender

Brooksley Born was the one person to say that America was heading into an economic disaster; her colleagues completely shut her and her opinions down. They wanted to keep her quite and that is exactly what they did. But the real problem was even after the economy started failing the people responsible for the failure still didn't fully acknowledge Born. They still criticized her; but this time she was criticized for petty things such as her sex and her attitude. She was called cold and hard to work with by many people, but the real insult was when she was criticized for her gender. To think how far the United States has come in the prejudice against women, it's hard to hear insults passed against a brilliant woman trying to help the country. Even though Born graduated top of her class from Stanford Law School, her sex is still a topic that comes up.
Others find a whiff of sexism in the pushback.“The messenger wore a skirt,” says Marna Tucker, a Washington lawyer and a longtime friend of Born. “Could Alan Greenspan take that?”
It's hard to believe that gown men would drop to such low blows as to insult a women when they were so clearly wrong and she was so clearly right.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Affecting our Innocent Comics Now

Raping Occurs Everywhere, Inluding Our Own Hometown Schools

A 15 year-old girl was raped and violated by ten different people. Meanwhile, another ten people watched, they didn't call for help or even object; they just watched for their own enjoyment. It's sick that watching a young, outnumbered girl getting raped is now considered a sport. It's even sicker that not one of those people had enough of a conscience to help her. This happened in a northern Californian high school. There are stories about rapes and murders, but generally we never catch wind of it. Whatever needs to be done needs to start now to put a cease to the violations. This girl is now mentally injured for life, they not only physically violated her, they mentally violated her and those scars with stay with her for a long time.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Anti Abortionists get Deadly: Irony at Its Best

In an abortion clinic in Nebraska doctors have to hide from the crowds, they have to be completely aware of their surrounding; the abortion doctors in Nebraska are in danger because of their job. The front of the clinic is damaged, the whole outside is filthy and is falling apart; however, when you walk in the entire clinic is neat and sanitary. While entering, apparently, the protesters will note what you look like and what your license plate number. They then relay that information, through walkie talkies no less, to their other non supporters. Carhart is one of the only doctors in the clinic, his mentor, Tiller, was shot in the head by one of the abortion protesters. This is appalling, especially as a female, teen, Californian to see that in another state is is vital to your health that you do not get an abortion. This seems so ironic to me, the protesters are claiming to save lives; but in their attempt to protest they kill someone. Hopefully one day underage teens, unfit mothers, or willing patients will be able to walk into a proud standing abortion clinic in Nebraska and be able to get the treatment they desire.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Medicinal Marijuana Laws Coaxing Teens to Get High?

The medicinal marijuana laws in states such as California could possibly be influencing teenagers to smoke pot. As unbelievable as this is, because there are no age laws for medicinal marijuana, teens sometimes abuse the law and get it just for there own entertainment. This could be a big explanation to a higher percentage of marijuana using teens.

Anti-drug advocates often assert that California's medical marijuana law and the prevalence of the dispensaries that distribute the drug are making it easier for children to get pot.

But showing a direct link between medical marijuana laws and teen drug use is difficult, as illustrated by two separate government reports used by parties on both sides of the contentious issue to support their positions. -Edward Sifuentes

Oil Wells Are In Fact Refilling

Over the last few years, the rumor that our oil wells are drying up spread like wildfire. The new slogan was to buy more fuel efficient cars and carpool more. In high school classes, it was being taught that the world was running out of natural resources. But in fact four years ago scientists noticed that many of the oil wells were actually refilling and some were refilling quickly.
Although it sounds too good to be true, increasing evidence from the Gulf of Mexico suggests that some old oil fields are being refilled by petroleum surging up from deep below, scientists report. That may mean that current estimates of oil and gas abundance are far too low. They are refilling as we speak. But whether this is a worldwide phenomenon, we don't know."- Robert Cooke
So if the wells were refilling at a faster rate then thought four years ago, how does that effect us today? People could say that the oil wells are slowing down in their natural production; but why would they be? The process is a natural event and even though we keep pumping more and more oil it should refill itself. It will be interesting to monitor over the next few years. The gas companies tried to hide the excess of oil before, are they still doing it and will they continue to lie to us?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Although Pluto was Kicked Out of the Planetary System: There Are Plenty More Outside the System

Astronomers have found 32 new planets outside our solar system. They are called "Exoplanets", found by University of Porto (Portugal), they used an intense telescope called a Chilean Telescope. This particular telescope can find planets outside our solar system easily and is able to detect even the slightest of movements. At first they thought that there were only 32 more planets, but now, when able to look at different solar systems, they can count up to 400. This is exciting, we now have more planets to name, and our knowledge of the universe just seems to expand with each new day.

More Troops Out

Instead of bringing our troops back home, as the Obama Administration promised, they have decided that it would be best to send 40, 000 more into Afghanistan. President Obama made a promise to this country that the troops would be brought back, it certainly feels as though he is breaking his promise. They did however give a weak excuse to back up their decision
"Afghanistan is not Iraq," one senior administration official said. "To say that we can take what we did in Iraq and Xerox it and send it to Afghanistan is obtuse."

I really hope Obama is making the best decision for this country. Especially when our countries economy is falling apart, and we are wasting money on the unnecessary placement of troops. We have already done enough damage, it's time to bring our troops home.

Parents Not so Wild about those Wild Things

Apparently many parents complained of the new movie, "Where the Wild Things Are". Many claim that their children were bored, or that the movie was too sad. One parent even said that the movie was geared to 8-12 year olds instead of 1-3 year olds. I personally would like to know what 1-3 year old enjoys any movie without minimal dialogue, bright colorful objects and a campy narrator. Obviously the writer had to expand the dialogue in order to create an interesting movie. If parents have such a problem with this one movie, just not taking their children to see it seems like a workable solution. Although the younger children are not enjoying the movie, many teenagers, parents and grandparents are seeing the movie. Maybe this movie wasn't supposed to be geared for younger children, maybe instead it was geared to bring up fond childhood memories in older people. Whatever the case, there is no point in ruining a good movie.

The Life of an American Includes: Deceit, Lies and Espionage

In this particular case, just one American committed the traitorous act of espionage Steward David Nozette was taken into custody and is up for exposing America's secrets to Israel. He was a patriot of America who worked as a technical consultant "for an aerospace company that was wholly owned by the government of the state of Israel". Apparently the company consulted with him often and made large payments for information. The American government caught him when they posed as an Israeli intelligence agent, they asked him to meet and he (Nozette) confirmed that he was willing to work for Israeli Intelligence. It's surprising as well as alarming that an American would commit treason. Right now our country needs to bind together and keep our country afloat.

America Gets Antsy When She Has No One To Blow Up: So She Blows Up the Moon

America is now turning her violent attitude towards the moon. Actually we are now bombing the moon to make sure there is water available. Earlier NASA discovered that there was evidence of water on the outer shell of the moon. They are now bombing it to verify the presence of water for the low price of $7 million. We want to know if there is water on the moon because the option of sending people back to the moon to live. If there is water present, there is the possibility of human life on the moon. Another reason for bombing the moon is to find out if we can split the water into rocket fuel, air water; we can save ourselves a lot of money. While these are good reasons, people might find it irresponsible to bomb the moon. Once we get started bombing off our planet, no one knows how far it could go. If the world were in more desperate times, people might be more open to this idea.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Extending Federal Protection Not Extended to Homosexuals

In the bill to fund the war in Afghanistan, the senate democrats had added a rider to extend federal protection to homosexuals who are victims of hate crimes. As of now, if someone is convicted of committing a hate crime, their punishment is worse than if hate were not a part of it. But the senate republicans voted not to fund the war in Afghanistan because they would not vote for this rider. Most of them wanted to fund that war but their unwillingness to be at all supportive for justice for homosexuals stopped them. I personally wanted to take our soldiers out of the war, but i also want to support federal justice. I am torn about what I would vote for.

Political Bashing About Obesity

It's unreasonable that political leaders suffer criticism about their physical appearance. It it not their job to look like a movie star. Many other leaders have been overweight, and they were respected; weight should not be a judgmental factor. Showing that our country is intolerant of our own citizens will make us look weaker.

This ad reflects a total lack of understanding, empathy and tolerance. No one should be criticized for being overweight. We're all wired to respond to different stimuli -- sex, gambling, alcohol, illegal drugs -- and for many people it's food. I would rather have this problem than some of these other problems. Some of the world's greatest leaders, from Winston Churchill to Ted Kennedy, struggled with their weight. This struggle has nothing to do with leadership abilities. It doesn't translate into a lack of control in any other part of a person's life. In any case, voters identify with people who are honest and open about their struggles. To be cruel to someone because of this struggle is just unacceptable. It shows a lack of understanding about human nature, and about the environment in which we live.
-Andrew Sullivan

The Older the Person the Younger the Sex Victim

Why is it these days that we frequently hear about older men fornicating with much younger, youthful people? What changed in the culture that made it alright to overlook pedophilia? More and more people are coming forward to tell their molestation stories. What happens if this becomes part of our culture? Will the US be known for its rising percentages of pedophilia? Please teach our future generations the healthy way to have relationships.

Soccer Moms, Minivans and Glocks

This minivan mom was found shot dead along with her husband in their home in Pennsylvania. Before her death, she was photographed at one of her children's soccer games sporting a fully-loaded glock. Note the day she wore the gun was also coincidentally 9/11/08 so she could just be overly worried about another terrorist attack. My point is why must some people in our nation feel the need to carry firearms to innocent activities? Instead of preventing risk, she put everyone at risk.

Unsanitary Nurses, that Day Has Come

This nurse knew that she was exposing patients to dangerous diseases such as HIV and hepatitis. How could a person with the profession of assisting save lives be so thoughtless. She confessed to her crime; but how many nurses are unconsciously putting us at those same risks? How do we know if we are in the path of danger when we are visiting a place of health?


Monday, October 5, 2009

Haven't We Overstayed Our Intrusion?

Unfortunately, the United States's Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, has informed the country that that we will not be pulling out of Afghanistan. Even if President Obama decides to pull the US out of Afghanistan; we will be remaining there. Robert Gates says:

Because of our inability and the inability, frankly, of our allies to put enough troops in Afghanistan, the Taliban do have the momentum right now. eventual Taliban victory would provide "added space" for al Qaeda to set up in the country and enhance recruiting and fundraising, bolstered by the perspective of a second victory over a superpower by Muslim forces after having driven out the Soviet Union in the 1980s,

Although this may be true, we had overstayed whatever welcome we had. It's time to bring our troops home and let Afghanistan help itself. The US intervenes too much, we need to learn our limitations.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Choice May no Longer be Ours

In the past year the country has split 50-50 on the abortion topic. But in the last six months, more of the country is siding with the pro-life view. They are lobbying to have abortion outlawed in more and more states. This is a terrifying thought to an adolescent female. As an adolescent female with less than a year to graduate, its scary imagining if I were to ever get pregnant, that i would not be able to abort the fetus. I know that at this age I am not capable of supporting child, I am just figuring out how to support myself. I know that California will probably not be effected by this, but still, even the option of having my right as a female taken away is frightening.

Another Variation of the Hominid is Found!

This new being was found in Ethiopia in 1994 and was just recognized to be older than the famous half ape-half human Lucy (found in Africa). In fact this new discovery, nicknamed Ardi, is at least one million years older than Lucy. It helps the world go even further into the history of evolution. I think that any clue to our past is a great step and I am thankful that this is helping prove that evolution really did take a part in the human creation. Ardi can help the world unlock another clue to the past!

Grizzly Bear Endangered Animal?

The grizzly bear is back on the endangered species list. This beautiful creature is now a minority and is in danger of being extinct. There was a mass overload of beetles that nested in the trees that the grizzly bears get their food from, therefore forcing the bears to find food somewhere else. They wandered into higher populated areas and were forced to face hunters. The people of the world need to protect our animals, not just because they are our animal, but because we could end up eliminating them from the planet!

Our Dollar is Gaining Against Japan

The United States is finally catching up dollar wise. As the rest of the world's money deflates ours is slowly rising.
The U.S. dollar edged up to 90.02 yen in Tokyo afternoon trade from 89.66 in New York late Wednesday. The euro slipped to 131.10 yen from 131.28, and to 1.4563 dollars from 1.4627. Sentiment among major manufacturers improved for a second straight quarter, but the outlook for earnings and business investment remains bleak, the results of the Bank of Japan's quarterly Tankan survey suggested.

So if our money is worth more; that enables the United States to buy more things. But if we are doing all the buying, we are doing all the spending. If other countries become poorer they will stop buying products. Products like the ones that the United States produces. This inflation shouldn't get us too excited quite yet. We could just end up digging ourselves another hole here.

A Rise in Spending Could Mean a Decrease Next Year's Spending

In August there was a 1.3 percent raise in the consumer rate. That means that even though our economy has taken a serious hit, people are still spending money on non-essential items. Even though this year people feel as though they can spend money, next year might be a little tougher. So while I am buying my Starbucks now, tomorrow I could be struggling to buy a pair of necessary underwear.
Martin Crutsinger says
"However, they are worried that growth could slip to a much more sluggish pace next year as the impact of government stimulus programs lessens and households continue to be battered by rising unemployment and a variety of other problems.The big jump in spending and much weaker gain in incomes translated into a big drop in the savings rate. "

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Gas Prices Shoot Up Because of Fire

On Friday gas prices were raised the alarming amount of 21 cents. People assumed that gas prices would raise slowly one nickel at a time, but this three hour fire created so much damage that gas prices shot up. Prices were actually supposed to slowly decrease but since the fire destroyed some of the resources California is going to have to pay.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

In Relation to Sexual Abuse: It's Affecting Parents and their Views on Men and Teaching Postitions

Another conversation I happened to over hear today was about a mother who wouldn't let her child attend an early science engineering class because she feared the male teacher was a pedophile. At first I was angered at this thought; how dare she just assume any male teacher is a sexual predator. It's not within the teachers capability, once the gossip starts, it never stops. And the poor, innocent teacher gets accused of a title he never deserved. But then I tried to think as a mother, and I realized she doesn't have much control of her thoughts either these days. The amount of pedophiles today are growing and seemingly good people are turning out to be disgusting and twisted. I have no solution, the teacher does what he loves, teaching; but the mother is showing her natural instinct to protect her children. I wish we could prove that not all people are like those who torture; and show that there are good people. Good men, who can teach our generations valuable education without sexually abusing them. Our world has changed so drastically.

Local Dad, Local Sex Offender. Finally Caught.

I hadn't heard much about this particular case of sexual abuse before a member of my family came home and started talking about it. The member of my family had worked with this sleazy father and was horrified when he heard the news of the abuse. I finally looked it up online to discover that this local, church-going, father of six, had been sexually abusing his daughters. On one source it gave the detail of the abuse starting at the mere age of 3. Horrifying. Disgusting. What's worse? His wife was in collaboration and even watched the sexual acts. This brings up Jaycee Dugard case. It just exemplifies that sexual abuse is no longer an act of man, but also woman. It makes me wonder how my future children's life will be. How can I tell if my husband will be a sexual predator. Another thought, this sexual predators are no longer just blank faces in the newspaper, the sexual predators just became real to me. This thought is frightening.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mixed Embyos; Mixed Emotions

This couple decided to have their another child by way of an implanted embryo. Somehow the mother ended up pregnant; but with the wrong embryo. When the couple heard the news of the mix up, they were naturally devastated. They were disappointed that they would be having a child of a different genetic heritage then them. However, this couple already had three children of their own blood. I feel like since they already had three children, they were overreacting when they would not be having a biological child. They are pro-life, so the option of aborting the embryo was out of the question; if they feel so pro-life, then they should just feel the joy of growing another life. The idea of a human growing inside of a person is already amazing, and when you already have other children, you should realize what a gift it is. Is this couple going to love this child any less? Will they treat it any differently than their other children? Probably not, but if the idea of having different blood in their child is so devastating that they are upset, then I feel like this couple doesn't realize what parenthood is about. I feel that loving a child is not affected by the blood running through their veins, but affected instead by their environment.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Our World and It's Illness

Al Gore once said, "...our Planet Earth has 'a fever'." When he said this, he was talking about how we, the people of this planet, are abusing our natural gifts. I then realized that he was right. I am only seventeen and I drive to and from school everyday, without carpooling, to swim practice, to church...I drive a lot more than I should be at this age. I wonder if everyone in America, who was able, could possibly drive just ten miles less each week. It doesn't sound like much, but just ten miles each week will add up to a lot.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Police Sited Garrido 3 Times; They Still Didn't Notice Dugard

Just another comment on the Dugard issue, it's shocks me to know that the police had caught and charged Phillip Garrido three times and they still didn't search his house. I realize that a stolen girl in the world is like a needle in the haystack, but honestly for offenders, there should be routine checks. I'm not saying every sexual offender needs to be checked in on, but those with more than three accounts are screaming for attention. Horrifying.

Obama Endorses Education with complaint from the peanut crowd?

Today President Obama gave his education speech, and to my surprise people still objected to this statement. As my gov teacher said, Reagan and Bush Sr. both did it with little or no complaints fro the population. George W. Bush however, also endorsed education, but to my recollection, wasn't he holding the book upside down? Thank you Obama for showing that you care.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Clean Safe Water in California

In California alone, there are 150 thousand people who do not have access to clean, safe, drinkable water. Even though California said they value domestic use of water, it is not a guaranteed right to have that access. It's appalling, people should not have to pay for water. We as a nation encourage it though. We pay for bottled water made by soda companies. And right now, there is a bill in front of the California Governor which would guarantee clean water for individuals, not companies. This bill is for the people, it's not to protect the business.

Horrified or Relieved

It's really unbelievable that after 18 years, Jaycee Lee Dugard, was alive. She walked into a police station at the age of 29 and identified herself. It's really surprising that for the entire time she was hidden in a local home in Antioch. I am horrified to think that the police gave a mediocre search for her and couldn't seem to find the girl hidden in a backyard. Also horrifying information, she was raped, most likely countless times, and bore two children. The ages of her children? 11 and 15. She had her first child at the age of 14. Barely entering puberty. Also astonishing, the wife of her rapist was completely informed of the situation, and did nothing about it. It surprises me that she was "ok" with her husband raping a young girl (clue enough to get help). It's terrifying knowing this story and being a young female. It makes me believe that there really is very little safety in this world.

Bush vs. Gore (What we could have had)

In Thomas Friedman's, Hot, Flat and Crowded, he mentions a quote of Al Gore. "The planet Earth has a "fever"." It sparked my interest that Al Gore is still quoted to this day about his concerns for the world. He shows his interest in the future of our planet and of our species. I wonder how our world would have been shaped differently if in the 2000 elections, Al Gore was elected instead of George W. Bush. Would we have made less mistakes, would we have made more? Would our world be in a better place, physically and figuratively? Would America have more alliances? These are all questions we will never know because America made the crippling decision of electing George W. Bush. I'm not saying that Gore would have been the best President, or even a better President; but he would have taken us in a different direction and today we would be in a better place.

Obama's Stay in School Speech - PTA member objects

At local middle school, it was known that a parent of the PTA strongly objected to President Obama's "Stay in School" speech. I don't know which I find more surprising; the fact that a parent of a student objected to a President encouraging children to stay in school, or the fact that in our past we have had more disappointing Presidents that didn't show good examples of supporting education and she [the parent] will not condone the support of President [Obama] that shows compassion towards education. As a parent of a child, I would have expected her to show gratitude towards a leader who tries to keep her child in school.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Power of Hatred is Immense

What could he have been thinking when he stated his thoughts on Obama. I am sad to know that he holds such anger against our President and such prejudice against homosexuals. And just a question, I'm not a Christian/Catholic/Jewish follower, but is it within the terms of his religion to wish death upon a person or group of people?

If you want to know how I'd like to see Obama die, I'd like him to die of
natural causes," said Anderson. "I don't want him to be a martyr, we don't
need another holiday. I'd like to see him die, like Ted Kennedy, of brain

Thursday, August 27, 2009

my job as a student of this world

As a newcomer to this website I'm not sure what to expect. I do hope to learn more about the government and politics; but as I learn I hope to be able to question the system.